Chinese Bellflower
Out of stock

Sorry we don't have any Chinese Bellflower available at the moment, but we do have lots of other lovely flowering plants available for next day delivery.

Prior to purchase I spoke to Amanda in Customer Service who was very courteous, helpful and offered to take my order over the telephone. Although it was a birthday gift I had the plant delivered to myself. It was very well packed and protected. I did not unpack it but delivered it direct to the intended recipient who has since told me that it was “very pretty and had plenty of buds” so we are both hopeful that it will last many years in the garden. I would definitely use Plants4Presents again in the future.

These instructions are sent with the plant gift
This Abutilon is also known as a ‘Chinese Bellflower’ because of its bell-shaped blooms. It will do well in a conservatory, a sunny windowsill or outside on a summer patio. In the right spot these plants will produce colourful blooms all summer long.
Good light is important for Abutilon and your plant will do well in a bright room or conservatory. However, if keeping your plant on a windowsill, keep it a little way back from the glass to avoid it getting scorched or chilled. In the summer, you can move your plant outdoors to a sunny, sheltered position. However, once the temperature starts to drop your plant will need to come back inside; Abutilon will suffer in temperatures below 6°C.
Abutilon like to be kept moist but not too wet. Your plant will need regular watering, aim to keep the soil damp. During the winter, you will likely find your plant doesn’t need watering as frequently. Be careful not to leave your plant standing in water as this will damage the roots.
To encourage more buds, cut off dead flowers and pinch out the leading shoots. As the plant grows it can be repotted next spring into a larger pot with rich potting compost.
Problem Solving
If your plant starts dropping flowers, it is likely getting too dry. Try watering more regularly, especially if it is in a warm spot.
Abutilon aren’t particularly prone to pests but if you spot any aphids or stickiness on the leaves, give them a good wipe down with soapy water.