Cape Gooseberry
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Sorry we don’t have any Cape Gooseberry available at the moment. You can find a wide selection of fruiting plants on our website here.

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These Physalis peruviana plants, also known as Cape Gooseberries, originate in Peru and produce tasty fruit which grow encased in little lantern-like calyxes. They are fast growing plants that can reach a metre high in a sunny spot and produce masses of berries for drinks and puddings.
Physalis do well in similar growing conditions to tomato plants, somewhere with plenty of light and warmth. A sunny windowsill or conservatory is ideal, or in warmer regions of the UK they will be happy outside on a patio. Give your plant as much direct sunlight as possible, but if you are keeping it outside make sure it is in a sheltered spot and not exposed to cold winds.
During the growing season your plant will need regular watering, especially in warm weather. Aim to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged.
The fruit on your Physalis will be ready to harvest from July to September once the calyxes are dry and papery and the fruit has turned orange. Remove the fruit from the lantern-like casing before eating.
To over winter your Physalis for a repeat harvest next year cut it back hard at the end of the season once it has finished fruiting and move it to a frost-free area. Physalis can survive a light frost but need to be protected from extreme cold during the winter.
Problem Solving:
Aphids and white fly are attracted to the young new shoots and if you spot any treat quickly with a soft soap spray.
If your plant begins to look leggy, you can trim it back to keep it looking tidy and encourage it to bush out into a better shape.