Edible Hibiscus
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This is the unusual hibiscus ‘Roselle’ or Hibiscus sabdariffa best known for its unusual edible berries.
These plants are native to the West Africa and so like a sunny spot. On a windowsill in a bright room or conservatory is best. In the warmest summer months, you can put your hibiscus out on a patio or balcony but bring it inside again before the nights get too cold. A cool room is fine, but if it gets below 8˚C it will suffer.
Hibiscus are greedy plants. Try and water a small amount every day. If you are going away for a few days then you can stand the pot in a bowl of shallow water. To keep them really happy add a few drops of ordinary house plant feed in their water every few waterings.
We expect these young plants to flower for the first time next year producing dramatic yellow flowers that will fade to produce a dark red ‘berry’. These berries can be preserved in sugar, made into jams or even dried and ground into a coffee substitute.
It is unlikely that you will get any pests or diseases, but if you do just wash the leaves and buds with soapy water.