Egyptian Starcluster
Out of stock

Sorry we don't have any Egyptian Starcluster available at the moment, but we do have lots of other lovely flowering plants available for next day delivery.

Very good and in bloom, packed well

This plant was beautiful and exactly as described including the planter it came in.

These instructions are sent with the plant gift
These pretty Pentas lanceolate are also commonly known as ‘star clusters’ after the pretty star shaped blooms they are smothered in.
As the name suggests, they do come from warmer climes so will do best in a conservatory, or a bright room although they can also do well outside on summer patio. In the right spot these plants will produce colourful blooms all summer long.
Good light is important for Starclusters, cold draughts or strong winds are best avoided and in the winter they will need a spot indoors and will start to suffer in temperatures below 6°C. If you do have a sheltered spot outside the bees and butterflies will go mad for the sweet nectar filled flowers.
To encourage more buds, cut off dead flowers and pinch out the leading shoots. As the plant grows it can be repotted next spring into a larger pot with rich potting compost.
Starclusters aren’t particular prone to pests but if you spot any aphids or stickiness on the leaves, give them a good wipe down with soapy water.