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Very healthy and beautifully presented.

Exactly as described. High Quality.

Great company and plants

Order delivered on time and as requested. good quality plant and container well package too. Thank you.

These instructions are sent with the plant gift
Geraniums are easy to grow if you give them food, light, warmth and water. They will flower for weeks and weeks and can be grown on into sizeable bushes.
Whilst indoors keep your plant near a window or in a porch where there is plenty of light. They will be fine in a window box or on a patio in the summer provided you are in a warm part of Britain and there is no danger of frost
While your plant is in a small pot indoors they will need watering generously, especially if your room is centrally heated. The soil should always be kept moist. Geraniums are greedy feeders and will appreciate some liquid feed in their water every week or so whilst flowering. Any ordinary houseplant food will do fine.
Problem Solving:
Pick off dead flowers and leaves to encourage growth and keep your plant looking good. Geraniums are pretty tough plants, and will recover from most neglect with water, light and food. Over the winter they should be cut back and allowed to rest ready for a repeat show next year.
More Information
Scientific Name:Pelargonium
Easy to care for in a sheltered spot outside on a sunny windowsil in any area of the UK