Plants4Presents donates quality plants to local charities
At a busy nursery like ours we sometimes have plants that don't meet our stringent quality checks. We love plants and we simply can't bear to throw them away so instead we sell off some of our best 'seconds' through our plant rescue boxes and we also actively look for local charitable and community projects to donate to.
Often these plants are strong healthy plants but they have finished flowering for the season, sometimes they might have got a bit neglected or been in their pots too long and really need to be planted out to give them some more space and nutrients. Whatever the reason, we love seeing them bring life to new spaces and joy to schools and communities.
We're delighted to have helped a number of projects already this year but if you are running a project you think we could help with, please do get in touch.
Sensory Garden Project at Shinewater Family Hub
In search of an array of garden plants to stimulate all the senses, we were excited to be part of this community project. Using plants, pots, and materials donated from business and organisations in the Brighton and surrounding East Sussex area, each of the five senses were incorporated into the sensory garden:
- Touch – making sure that if a child was to put their hands on the plants or pots that they would have a soft or textured feel.
- Smell – the project was grateful to receive some wonderful herbs that smell divine! They were even gifted a plant that smells like peanut butter, which will be great for anyone who might have an allergy to nuts, because they can actually get an idea of what they smell like.
- Taste – Herbs together with fruit and vegetable plants were included to grow with the children and their Community Fridge.
- Sight - using vibrant or contrasting colours for the children to look at, the team incorporated solar lights for the darker months and used vibrant, coloured pots.
Sound was probably one of the harder senses to involve. The rustle of the soft leaves or stems will be calming and soothing and the garden will attract birds and insects who bring more colours and sounds with them.
Sensory Plants
Fragrant and edible plants for the sensory garden.
A great community project
Cheryl and Tammi collecting plants from the nursery
The finished Sensory Garden
We loved seeing the results of all the volunteers hard work
Local school children benefit from monster-sized Spider Plant
Our whopper-sized Spider Plant has now found its forever home. After many years as a 'mother' plant, this stock plant had simply got too big to keep in our glasshouses, so we were delighted to donate it to a Worthing-based primary school. 60 young people have already taken spider plants home to nurture and the gardening club intends to keep up the good work when the kids come back to school in the Autumn.
Spider Plants are a great way to get your little ones into growing houseplants too. If you run a school or after school gardening club and would like a free spider plant to teach propagating please do get in touch.
Plants for the playground
To brighten up a new mud kitchen area
A real monster
We're so happy to have found such a great home for this mumma plant
Holland says goodbye
Our nursery cat will miss sleeping in the shade of this beauty
Fletching Bonfire Society uses plant donations to reignite a village tradition
Bonfire Night is a famous Sussex tradition. So when Fletching Bonfire Society reformed after several years away, we wanted to support their fundraising efforts. From donating table centre plants to decorate the hall for their lively Burns Night celebration, to providing out of season and quality plant seconds to their village plant sale. We'll look forward to joining the Society to celebrate their return in October.
Raising funds
A selection of flowering and edible garden plants and houseplants donated to the Fletching Bonfire Summer Fete
Will looking pretty happy with his haul of plants
The Big Day
Proved a huge success with hundreds of pounds raised from the plant stall
We've also been delighted to support Newick Preschool, Newick Primary School and Fletching Primary School this year.
More plants available
Are you looking for plant donations for a local charitable cause? If your charity project or event is local to our Sussex nursery and you can collect plants in person, feel free to get in touch. We'll gladly help if we can.
More plants available
Could you use plants for your community or school project?
Right now we some lovely large raspberry bushes looking for a home.
Get in touch
We'd love to hear from you.