Topiary Fuchsia
Out of stock
Sorry we don't have any Topiary Fuchsia available at the moment, but we do have lots of other lovely flowering plants available for next day delivery.

These instructions are sent with the plant gift
Fuchsias are a great plant for a doorstep or summer patio, easy to care for and bursting with vibrant summer colours.
Your fuchsia plant will do well either in full sun or partially shady spot. Ideally the soil should be moist but not waterlogged. Some Fuchsia varieties are hardier than others, so do be sure to check what temperatures your plant will go down to and plan for winter.
Your fuchsia has recently been potted up so will have plenty of nutrients for the first month or so. After that it will benefit from a little bone meal added to the soil every so often and a mulch is a good idea in the autumn.
Cut your plant back hard in Spring to maintain the standard shape and produce a mass of flowers next Summer.
Problem solving
Yellowing foliage is a sign either that your plants are not getting enough light or that they are lacking feed. A sunnier position and a good dose of liquid plant feed should soon perk them up.