Christmas Anthurium
In stock
- Classic winter flowering houseplant
- Choose your delivery date on the order form
- Price includes a stylish metal filigree styled pot
These dramatic plants will add a welcome splash of colour in the winter and attractive foliage in the summer. They are hard working evergreen houseplants and will produce flowers (or inflorescences) for months on end with the right conditions. Originally from the tropics they love warmth and humidity and will thrive in kitchens and bathrooms.
These stunning British grown anthurium look so lovely in these elegant planters. Available with classic white blooms they are perfect for a table centrepiece or to brighten up a winter home. Delivered just as pictured with at least 5 flower stems and at a bargain price this week whilst stocks last.
Beautiful plant and super quick, careful delivery.
Wonderful plant.
Good looking product
Punctual delivery of a gorgeous plant; well done!
Didn’t see product as this was a gift but service quick and very efficient
Healthy beautiful plant
Advised was lovely by recipient
Main stem was snapped, not fit for purpose
These instructions are sent with the plant gift
Anthuriums are quite easy to grow, have attractive foliage and produce long lasting flowers year-round. They are ideal house plants, as long as they have the basic warmth, water and light that they need.
Anthuriums grow best where it is warm and slightly humid - a kitchen is usually better than a bedroom. Anthuriums do like plenty of light but try to avoid direct sunlight.
When these plants are in small pots they need to be watered regularly. Water a small amount (around a teacup) every few days, more in hot weather. Ideally the soil should be damp rather than soggy and should be allowed to dry out slightly between waterings.
To encourage growth your plant will appreciate a general purpose feed in the water every month or so during the spring and summer.
Problem Solving
Anthuriums are tough plants and will recover from most problems with a little TLC. Slow growth and yellowing of lower leaves can be cured by a warmer night environment. However a sudden yellowing of leaves is more likely to be due to overwatering. Once the plant dries out dead leaves can be removed and new growth should appear. More light will encourage a non-flowering plant back into bloom.
More Information
Scientific Name:Anthurium
Anthurium"s common names include painter"s palette