Citrus Feed WINTER

This balanced citrus feed will provide the nutrients your plant needs to grow and fruit well.
Designed to be used from September to February, this winter feed has balanced Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorous to aid flower and fruit development as well as trace elements to help healthy growth.
For more information about looking after your citrus trees check out our helpful video

My lemon tree is looking really good

It has been the best feed for my mandarin tree.

Great product

Haven’t used the product yet

I had no idea certain plants need a winter feed good advice about getting the best out of your plants

Good stuff

Perfectly mixed to maintain the health of the citrus plants

Missing measuring scoop so tricky to use but I am guessing

Tiny scoop to measure the feed is very useful.

Really good. Fast delivery and as a new gardener love the information how to care leaflet.