Olive Tree
In stock

- Top Quality Sicilian grown plants
- Choose your delivery date including next day on the order form
- Delivered gift wrapped and boxed with a handwritten greeting card
These bushy mini-stem olive trees are already well over 2ft tall and will make a great feature on their own or as a pair.
Looking fabulous for the new season, just as pictured.
These compact young Olive trees (Olea europaea) will produce small flowers in the spring and dark fruit in the winter - the silvery foliage makes an attractive display all year round. Olives are surprisingly hardy and only need to be protected from severe frosts. Our olive trees are ready to order online today with next day delivery available across the mainland UK.

Very nice plant in very good condition.

This is the 3rd Olive tree I have gifted over the past couple of years. Each one has been healthy and well received,

This was a gift so I haven't seen it but my friend was delighted with it.

good size for price

Great tree. Looking forward to it's next millennia????

I didn't see the plant however, I was told it was perfect.

My daughter loved the Olive tree that I ordered for her.

Beautiful plants and presented really well in pots

Lovely gift idea

Healthy plant, nicely packed for journey

These instructions are sent with the plant gift
The olive is an outdoor tree with slivery green leaves and fruits. A young tree will live happily inside in a cool bright room but will usually prefer a sunny, sheltered spot outdoors at least in summer.
While your plant is in a small pot it will need regular watering – don’t let it dry out or you will damage the delicate roots, particularly as the soil is very compact. In winter your olive tree will need watering once or twice a week, in summer more frequently - almost every day if in a warm and sunny position. Allow the top of the soil to dry out completely between waterings and when watering it is best to water thoroughly from the top allowing any excess to drain away rather than standing the plant in water
If you are keeping your olive tree in a pot then once it has put on quite a bit of growth you might repot in a larger container in the spring. Choose a mixture of ordinary soil and potting compost. A good pruning a couple of times a year will also help to keep a sculptured shape. Tiny white flowers should appear in the spring with olive fruits developing over the summer and turning from green to browny-black in the autumn.
Problem Solving:
Most problems come from underwatering in summer and overwatering in winter. Both of these can lead to leaf drop. If the dropped leaves are crisp then a good watering and a return to a more regular routine will soon set your plant on the road to recovery. If the leaves are more leathery, the leaf drop is likely to be due to overwatering or allowing the delicate roots to sit in water. Try moving your plant to a sunnier position and withholding water until the soil has really dried out. You can gently remove the plastic pot to have a look at the dampness of the roots if in doubt.
Although olive trees are evergreen they do tend to shed a few leaves in the UK over the winter months when the light levels are low. As the days get longer again these should soon be replaced with fresh growth. With enough sunlight your tree should fruit even when quite small, however expect the fruit to be very bitter. Olives need to be ‘cured’ properly to get rid of this bitter taste before eating.
More Information
Scientific Name:Olea Europa
Small green powdery flowers
Dark green fruit
Indoors or out these young trees require little care