Pink Mandevilla
Out of stock

Sorry we don't have any pink mandevilla available at the moment, but we do have lots of other lovely flowering plants available for next day delivery.

Beautiful plant, much larger than I expected.

These instructions are sent with the plant gift
This Mandevilla ‘Alice du Pont’ will make a beautiful addition to a bright room or summer patio and produce bright trumpet-like flowers throughout the summer.
Your Mandevilla is a tender plant which will do well in a conservatory, or a well-lit window or porch. In milder parts it will also be happy to spend the summer on a patio or balcony, but they are not hardy. Inside, make sure your plant gets plenty of light by putting it near a window. However, try to avoid strong direct sunlight if possible and place it a little way back from the window glass to avoid scorching.
Whilst the plants are in small pots you will need to water regularly especially if in a warm spot. However, don’t worry if you let it dry out between watering – the compost does not need to be wet, just slightly damp. Every few waterings put a drop of liquid feed in the water just to help it grow.
Cut off dead flowers to encourage more buds and train the plant upwards – it is a climber by nature. As the plant puts on more growth, it can be re-potted into a larger pot with rich potting compost.
Problem Solving:
Brown edges or tips to the leaves is a sure sign of scorching, try moving back from any window glass to a slightly less sunny spot.