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- Unusual winter flowering colour for the garden
- Top quality plants delivered in bud
- Order by 3pm for FREE next day delivery
We're delighted to have these lovely plants available again for the new season. They are such a cheerful winter garden plant. Delivered as pictured with masses of fresh growth and tight flower buds it won't be long before these buds develop into bright yellow poppoms.

It looks to be a very healthy plant

the plant looks good so far and I like the metal pot it came with.

This was a present so was unable to do a close inspection. Recipient was pleased

Happy with the plant

Great as usual

Arrived quickly and the plant was beautifully presented. I am hoping that the plant will thrive ok.

I did not see the product as it was a present for my cousin's 70th birthday delivered directly to her, but she is very into gardening and was delighted with it.

Very pleased with plants

My mum loved this gift and said it was delivered as described and the plant is beatiful.

Bought for M-I-law who was thrilled and said it was a lovely plant. Very happy.

These instructions are sent with the plant gift
Acacia is known in Australia as “wattle”, and florists know it as “Mimosa”. It is treasured for its yellow perfumed flowers which appear in late winter and spring.
This plant originated in Australia, so as you can imagine, it does well in warm, sunny conditions. A conservatory is ideal, or a sunny windowsill. During the warmer months, your Acacia can also be kept outside, choose a spot in full sun in the garden or on a sheltered patio. If you do keep your Acacia outside, it will need protection from the cold in the winter. Either bring your plant inside when temperatures begin to drop or add some horticulture fleece for frost protection.
How often you need to water will depend on where your plant is kept. Inside a house you will need to use about a jugful of water every week but make your own judgement by feeling the weight of the pot and by the season, if it’s hot weather the water will evaporate from the soil very quickly. Try feeling the weight when dry and when well-watered and then try and keep it half-way in between. Water from the top and let the excess drain out through the lightweight compost.
This is a fast-growing plant, so you may want to repot it next year. Choose a lime-free compost if you can. If you need to prune the plant into shape then you can cut it back after flowering.
Problem solving:
Acacia are not fully hardy in the UK and are likely to suffer if kept outside in the winter in most areas. It is best to bring your plant inside before the first frost. If your Acacia does suffer from frost damage, the damaged growth can be lightly trimmed back to the living wood.