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- Interesting stripy foliage
- East going house plant
- Delivered gift wrapped and boxed with a handwritten greeting card
A very popular houseplant, these compact British grown dracaena are lovely looking plants. Just as pictured they'd make a great gift for an office or tabletop.
A very popular and striking house plant, there are many varieties of dracaena originating from the southern hemisphere. This is Dracaena Fragrans 'Burley', is a particularly attractive variety with green and lime stripy foliage. This cheerful foliage makes them a fantastic addition to a home or office. Easy to care for too, they are understandably popular.

Beautiful, healthy plants.

These instructions are sent with the plant gift
Originating from the southern hemisphere, this variety of Dracaena has slim variegated leaves with attractive dark and lime green stripes. They are easy going and resilient but find a spot for your plant in a warm room (above 16°C), well away from direct light and cold draughts and your plant will do very well for you.
Dracaena also like it humid and so a bathroom or kitchen are the best rooms for them. Alternatively, you can use a pebble tray or spray them with water regularly, especially in the summer to increase the humidity around the plant and stop the tips drying out if your home is very dry.
Only water when the top of the soil is dry. In their small pot this might be as often as every 3 or 4 days in the summer and as little as once every other week through the winter. Remove the plant from its outer pot and give the soil a good soaking allowing the excess to drain away before popping it back in its usual position.
You might like to feed it every month during the summer and an ordinary houseplant food is perfect for the job. Last, but not least wipe the leaves from time to time to keep them dust free.
Problem solving: Streaking on the leaves can be caused by the sun and so find your plant somewhere with indirect light. Dry or curled up leaves occur when the plant has been too cold and so do keep it in a warm room. Brown/yellow blotches on the leaves indicate that the plant has been too dry and so increase the humidity around it.
For more information about your Dracaena or our other plants visit www.plants4presents.co.uk or call 01825 721162.