GYO Hops
Out of stock

Sorry we don’t have any GYO Hops available at the moment. Have you seen our grapevines instead? Available here.

An excellent plant and speedy service.I will definitely order again

These instructions are sent with the plant gift
Hops are surprisingly easy to grow and thrive in our UK climate and have been used for centuries to create wonderfully flavoured ales and beers.
Your hop vine will do best planted out in a partially shaded position in the garden, with a fence or trellis for support. However, hops vines will also do well in a pot if you don’t want to plant it out.
Whilst your plant is in a small pot it will need regular watering. Aim to water it heavily and then allow the top of the compost to dry out before watering again. Hops vines are very vigorous and can put on up to a foot of growth a week in the growing season. They like a good free draining soil but if your garden soil is not suitable they will also thrive planted into a large container with good drainage.
We expect these young plants to put on plenty more growth this year and with a bit of luck they will produce their first hops ‘bines’ either this autumn or next. Be patient while these cones dry out and after a few months you should have your first crop of flavoursome hops.
After harvesting and the plant starts to die back cut your vine right back to ground level and expect a fresh flush of new growth again in the Spring. As your vine matures it is best to remove the very first growth and any spindly branches periodically so that all the strength is concentrated in 3 or 4 main branches.
Problem solving
Hops plants are not greedy feeders but if the leaves start to turn a pale or mottled in colour your plant needs more nutrients and will benefit from a good dose mulch of organic matter.
Hops plants are deciduous so don’t be alarmed when it dies back in the winter. These plants are reasonably hardy but if we do have particularly cold spells (-8C or colder) then a fleece or heavy straw mulch will give your plant a bit more protection especially in the first couple of years.