Out of stock

We're sorry we don't currently have any of these Oleander plants in stock at this time of year, we will have more available from May 2025. If you'd like us to update you by email as soon as they become available please do drop us an email via our contact form asking to be added to our oleander wish list. We do also have plenty of other garden plants available for next day delivery.

Beautiful white oleander which has given so much pleasure as a special birthday gift. Excellent choice, range and customer service from Plants4Presents as usual. Thank You!

Looks like the pictures! Lovely plant

Was very delighted to receive Oleander after ordering, a tricky plant to get hold of nowadays, the plant is full of blooms and is a great size, bigger than expected!

These instructions are sent with the plant gift
Oleander, also known as Rose Bay, are popular Mediterranean plants which do well in the UK in a sunny spot outside and will flower in waves from the end of May right into the Autumn.
In the UK it is best to keep Oleander in a pot rather than planted out in the ground, as they are not fully hardy. Choose a sunny, sheltered spot outside for your Oleander, a warm patio is ideal. Your plant will do well outside all summer, however will need some frost protection in the winter. In areas that are likely to get down to very low temperatures, it is best to bring your Oleander into a greenhouse or other frost-free location during those coldest months.
Your Oleander will need regular watering, try not to allow your plant to dry out, especially during the warmer months. Aim to keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged. During the winter, when it is resting, you will find your Oleander needs watering less regularly.
Once your Oleander has put on a good amount of growth you can repot it every year in the spring, going up one or two pot sizes at a time. Alternatively, if your plant hasn’t outgrown its pot, add a top dressing of good quality compost and a sprinkle of balanced slow-release fertiliser each spring to keep your Oleander healthy.
If your Oleander has some damaged growth after the winter, simply prune this back in early spring and your plant will soon put on new, healthy growth.
Problem Solving:
Your Oleander will flower best in full sun. If your plant isn’t flowering well, try moving it to a sunnier position.
It’s important that your Oleander gets enough water while flower buds are forming in spring. Flower buds dropping before opening is usually due to the plant having dried out too much during this time. Make sure to water your Oleander regularly during the growing season to keep the soil moist. On the flip side, yellowing foliage is most likely a sign of overwatering.
Warning: Oleander are toxic if ingested – keep away from children and pets.