Poinsettias Delivered for Christmas
Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without a festive Poinsettia Plant
Buying poinsettias for christmas online is not only easier for you, it means your gifts arrive on your friends’ and loved ones’ doorsteps looking their absolute best. At Plants4Presents we're experts in delivering poinsettias and other fragile plants by post and we take a lot of care to ensure they are properly protected. All our poinsettias are strong British grown specimens and we gift wrap and box with an extra thick layer of recycled cardboard to make sure they are toasty warm on their journey to their new home.
Poinsettias for christmas are the perfect way to spread a bit of Christmas joy whether it's a Christmas gift to a Grandparent you can't be with on Christmas day or something to brighten your own home or a student's room ahead of the main Christmas season.
There really isn't anything quite like a traditional Poinsettia plant for Christmas cheer
Reserve your poinsettia now for Christmas delivery in a choice of both traditional and unusual colours.
We work with specialist growers to ensure we have the very best British Grown poinsettia plants each Christmas
The first of our Festive Poinsettias will be ready at the end of November and will be coming to us again from our regular local grower, Peter Eastwood Plants. Adam Eastwood and his family have been growing poinsettias for over 40 years and provide a range of colourful varieties from burgundy to pink or white, as well as the traditional red.
Sussex grown quality plants
This year's crop is coming along well and the plants were just starting to colour when we visited in October
Checking the crop at Peter Eastwoods Nursery. Strong root growth like this ensures a healthy plant that will last the whole festive season
These plants will have quadrupled in size by the end of November and will make an impressive Christmas display.
Delivering Poinsettia plants in perfect condition
Poinsettias are native to Central America and Mexico and this is one of the reasons they have a reputation for being temperamental in our colder winters. They simply don't like cold temperatures or draughts so it's really important they don't get exposed to cold winds or draughts at any stage of their journey. To prevent the sorry looking specimens you sometimes see in the supermarkets, we take every care, at every step, to ensure your poinsettia is properly looked after.
Our tried and tested varieties are grown in Sussex at 18C in heated polytunnels and each Poinsettia is sleeved and boxed for the 5 mile journey to our nursery. We keep them here in our own nursery on heated benches again at 18C until they are ready to be shipped. Then as well as our standard gift wrap and boxes we also include an extra layer of corrugated paper in all our poinsettia boxes to better insulate them whilst in transit. We have successfully sent poinsettias like this through blizzards and some really artic temperatures in the last few years to destinations in the furthest reaches of the UK and Scottish Isles.
Poinsettias like a moist but not wet soil, these drip feeders keep them topped up with just the water they need
Our biomass boiler keeps your plants nice and toasty until they are ready to go.
We double wrap all our poinsettias with corrugated card and pack them in specially designed plant boxes so they arrive with you in tip top condition.
Red, White, Pink and multi-coloured Poinsettia Plants make great gifts.
It is the shortening of the day light hours that triggers the colour to develop in poinsettias. The true flowers are actually the little clusters of yellow flowers in the middle of the plant, but the colourful display is created by the coloured leaves or bracts. One way to check the freshness and life left in a poinsettia is to check these true flower buds. Plants with buds or just opened flowers will hold their colour much longer than plants with open or spent blooms. Having said that with the right care Poinsettias can have a much longer season than just the festive holidays - one year we took our promotional photos in April from plants put aside at Christmas!
Breeders have developed a whole range of colours to feed our fascination with the humble poinsettia
White and pale yellow poinsettias are very popular for Christmas
Pink and Marble poinsettias growing en masse.
Giant size poinsettia are sure to make a real impact
In their native setting poinsettias are red and grow into large bushes on the mexican hillsides. The Aztecs called poinsettias Cuetlaxochitl and prized them for their coloured bracts and also the sap which was used to control fevers. Their botanical name of Poinsettias is Euphorbia pulcherrima which translated literally means 'very beautiful', in the 1820s they were given their common name 'Poinsettias' after Joseph Poinsett who introduced these colourful plants to North America where they have remained a seasonal favourite. Since then plant breeders have not only increased the hardiness of these plants but the range of colours they are available in, from whites and lemon yellows to some really unusual pink marbles and mottled reds. These more unusual colours make great statement plants but for a real festive feel you can't beat a deep christmas red.
Order now and reserve your Red, Pink or White or Giant Poinsettias for Christmas Delivery.