Tradescantia Zebrina
Out of stock
Sorry we don't have any Tradescantia Zebrina available at the moment, but we do have lots of other lovely house plants available for next day delivery.

These instructions are sent with the plant gift
Your Tradescantia will be happiest in a bright room, up to a couple of meters back from a window, with of diffused light and out of direct sunlight. Tradescantia will do well at normal room temperature however do like increased levels of humidity so will also appreciate being in a kitchen or bathroom, or occasional misting.
During the Spring and Summer your plant will need regular watering, about once a week. During the months you will likely find your plant doesn’t need watering as regularly, aim to water once the top inch of soil is dry. Tradescantia don’t like to be overwatered so be careful not to leave your plant’s roots sitting in water, allow the soil to dry out between waterings.
You will want to feed your plant every few waters during the Summer with a general-purpose houseplant feed to help it put on more growth and keep the leaves looking fresh. However this is not essential.
Tradescantia are very fast growing plants, they will quickly grow long trails which can be trimmed back to keep you plant at your desired size. Pinching back the tips and any dead leaves will encourage your plant to put on bushier growth and keep it looking healthy.
Problem solving:
Overwatering can cause root rot, if your plant’s stems and leaves begin to look limp/wilted, check that its pot is not sitting in water and allow the soil to properly dry out before watering again. If your plant’s leaves begin to look faded and lose their vibrant green and purple, your plant may not be getting enough light. Try moving it to a brighter position, but keep out of direct sunlight.
For more information about your Tradescantia plant or our other plants visit or call 01825 721162.
NOTE: Tradescantia are mildly toxic to animals so keep out of reach of pets.