Young Pomegranate
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- Unusual plant for the garden
- Suitable for a conservatory or warm spot in the garden
- Next or named delivery just £6
Easy to care for fruiting pomegranate A hardy variety called 'Favourite' these are strong and well branched pomegranate plants. They have now dropped their leaves for winter but will put on loads of fresh new growth next year. Grown on a trio of canes as in the main photo.

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This variety of self-fertile pomegranates originated from the Himalayas but it has been cultivated in the Mediterranean for thousands of years and does surprisingly well here in the UK. These young plants will thrive in a sunny spot and next year will produce a succession of pretty orange flowers in the summer followed by tasty fruit. After 10 years your young plant will become a bushy tree approximately 2m tall.
For now, your young pomegranate plant will do best in a sunny spot in a conservatory or bright room but once it drops it’s leaves for winter it could also be kept in a frost free place like a garage or shed whilst it’s dormant.
In the spring you should notice fresh new growth coming through and your pomegarante can then be planted out in the garden after the last frost.
As your plant matures it will be more resilient to frosts but if planting out choose a spot in the garden that is sunny and sheltered with good drainage. The sunnier the location, the more likely the fruits are to set and fully ripen.
If you prefer to keep your pomegranate in a pot it is a good idea to prune your plant back at the end of the summer and repot it next spring to keep it nice and bushy.
Whilst your pomegranate is in a small pot you will need to water it regularly especially during warm spells when it could be as often as every day. Aim to water it heavily and then allow the top of the compost to dry out before watering again.
In a pot, over the summer months your pomegranate will benefit from a dose of general-purpose liquid feed every couple of waterings to help keep the foliage healthy and to set flowers. In the ground, a good top dressing in spring or liquid feed will have the same effect.
Problem solving:
If the leaves start to turn a pale or mottled colour your plant needs more nutrients and will benefit from a good dose of general house plant or citrus feed every couple of watering’s until it greens up again.
This is an edible pomegranate, but as it is so young, it could take a year or 2 to start flowering and fruiting. If after this time it still isn’t flowering, or if the buds drop before they open, or if the fruits don’t set it may not be getting enough sunlight so try moving to a sunny spot and hold back on any feeding until you see flower buds begin to develop.