Large Lime Tree
In stock

- Superb quality 6 year old trees in flower
- The best lime for drinks and cooking
- FREE next or named day delivery
Our larger limes are looking lovely this week with a strong shape and masses of spring flowers and buds - just as pictured!
Over the coming weeks some of these flowers will set to become embryonic fruits and it's fun to watch these develop over the summer months ready for tasty limes at Christmas.
Our lime tree gifts, Tahiti Lime (Citrus latifolia), also known as the Persian or Bears lime and is the common variety we have in drinks. Most people are not aware that limes do in fact go yellow when they are fully ripe, but they still have that wonderful lime flavour, just slightly sweeter and even juicier. Our lime tree gifts usually produce fruits during the winter months and as with all citrus you really can't beat the taste of a fresh lime straight from the tree.

Good quality plant, in excellent health when delivered

Lovely little tree, looks good with even some limes growing.

As before

As advertised, with fruit already growing.

Healthy and well-established

Wonderful tree, shiny leaves, blossom AND fruit!!

Juicy Limes from tree already in use and lots of growth on there. Very good experience and good instructions available.

Prompt delivery and another quality plant.

Five star says it all doesn't it?

Healthy, good size plant. Not too expensive

These instructions are sent with the plant gift
This little tree has both tasty fruit and fragrant flowers. It can bring pleasure for months, or even years, with the right care.
Citrus trees need light and like to be near a window, skylight, or patio door. In summer your lime tree will enjoy a sheltered patio but needs to come inside as soon as there is a nip in the evening air. Try to keep your plant away from cold draughts and radiators.
While plants are in a pot they will need regular watering. Remove the pot from inside its basket or container. Water thoroughly from the top until the excess water drains right through the pot and out the bottom. This will ensure all the roots get the water they need. In the winter you might expect to water thoroughly every 10-14 days, in the summer months you may need to water up to 4 times a week but be guided by how dry the soil feels on top. Small pots do not hold much water so need to be watered more often. Do not stand your plant in water. If the leaves start to droop or curl you know it is thirsty, so water straight away.
Citrus trees are best kept in relatively small pots to control the watering in winter but to encourage your plant to grow you can repot each spring in a good quality container or ericaceous compost. As a general rule, fruit buds start to appear in early May and develop slowly into large and juicy limes great for cooking or sliced in cold drinks. Citrus trees will need a regular summer and winter feed to keep them healthy and fruiting long term.
Problem Solving
The most common problem is leaves dropping due to over or under watering. If the leaves turn crisp before they drop it is likely to be underwatering. If, however they are soft and go a dark grey brown colour before dropping you plant may need less water and/or a less damp spot. A return to regular watering routine should help your plant recover but it severe cases it may be necessary to cut off any dead growth and be patient while it recovers.
Our lime trees are grown in a pesticide free environment. In the unlikely event that you find pests e.g. aphids, these can be removed by hand or with a soap and water spray.
More Information
Scientific Name:Citrus latifolia
An alternate common name is Persian lime.
Scented white flowers